Influence of Supervisors’ Tacit Knowledge on Research Interest of Postgraduates: Based on the moderating effect of interactive modes by different dominant entities
中文关键词: 导师隐性知识;导师主导式互动方式;学生中心式互动方式;科研兴趣
英文关键词: tacit knowledge of supervisor;supervisor-led interaction;student-centered interaction;research interest
孙金花 重庆理工大学 管理学院, 重庆 400054 
代言阁 重庆理工大学 管理学院, 重庆 400054 
胡健 重庆理工大学 管理学院, 重庆 400054 
摘要点击次数: 1592
全文下载次数: 3814
      In following the need of education for high-level innovators in the background of innovation-driven development, the optimization of the traditional "master-apprentice" training mode and the exploration of the ways that can effectively inspire the academic interest of postgraduates become now crucial to the enhancement of the postgraduate education quality. This paper focuses on exploring the influence on the research interest of postgraduates stimulated by tacit knowledge of supervisors through the modes of interactions dominated by different parts of the education. The empirical research manifests that the tacit knowledge of supervisors can provide a positive impact on the formation of the scientific research interest of postgraduates. The interactions dominated either by supervisors or postgraduates can positively moderate the interaction relations between the two parts. But the degrees of the influence are different, that is, the moderating effect of student-centered interaction is stronger than that led by supervisors. Based on the study, the authors propose multi-path reform on postgraduate teaching and training mode, aiming to give full play to the dynamic effect of the tacit knowledge of supervisors, accurately locate the differentiated needs of education for individual postgraduates and employ interactions dominated by different parts of the education.
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