How to Carriy out Holistic Review in Postgraduate Admission: Experience from the United States
中文关键词: 综合审核;研究生招考;美国
英文关键词: holistic review;postgraduate enrollment;the United States
杨佳乐 清华大学 教育研究院, 北京 100084 
王传毅 清华大学 教育研究院, 北京 100084 
摘要点击次数: 1671
全文下载次数: 3588
      The United States is stepping up efforts to implement the holistic review in graduate admission and comprehensively examine the applicant's past experience, cognitive level, non-cognitive competency and development potential. The reason lies in the fact that the score-oriented examination is single in existence and its effect is limited. Focusing on scores will only stifle the diversity of student source and suppress their innovation. But the holistic review can improve training efficiency and reduce educational cost. The measures taken by American universities to promote the holistic review include:establishing observation dimensions, building scoring standards, innovating the system for evaluating non-cognitive competency and strengthening the examination of program fit. At the national level, China's postgraduate admission reform needs to strengthen macro guidance and quality supervision and explore the way of "multiple examinations of the same kind and reviewing only when receiving admission applications, and one examination for several disciplines instead of choosing schools". The institutions of higher learning need to pilot the holistic review by establishing observation dimensions and score standard, developing non-cognitive competency evaluation tools, and providing training related to material review and data analysis.
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