“Is It Really Difficult for Me to Find a Spouse”: Research on marriage preferences of single female PhDs
中文关键词: 女博士;晚婚;婚恋偏好;婚配文化
英文关键词: female PhD candidate;late marriage;dating preference;marriage culture
伍麟 武汉大学 社会学系, 武汉 430072 
刘天元 武汉大学 社会学系, 武汉 430072 
摘要点击次数: 2127
全文下载次数: 3972
      The pursuit of females for a PhD degree is a process of value increment in their life, yet unfortunately, media more frequently describe the relationship between women's education level and their popularity among the adults of the ages to be married at in an inverted U shape. Some even tint a tragic color to female PhDs leftover in pursuing love. Through qualitative research, the authors find that a female PhD is not so hard to enter into a romantic relationship. They have not given up marriage but delay it. When choosing a spouse, they are usually in an attitude of finding a better one. What they really want for their marriage includes affinity, independent income, mutual respect, the realization of their own values and quality life. The parent-child relationship in a family, the expectation of parents to the spouse of their daughter, the coexistence of traditional and present marriage cultures, and the unique group traits of the female PhDs have jointly shaped a special preference of them for spouse selection. Although the special preference of female PhDs for choosing a spouse is not the subjective reason that delays their wedding at a good age, yet it is really the reason that postpones their date of wedding, which is, anyway, of a far-reaching significance for the promotion of later marriage, enhancement of the quality of married life, improvement of the responsibility in sharing the "marriage burden" between the husband and wife and the realization of multiple marriage patterns.
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