Integration of Ideological, Political Education into Academic Training: The study and practice of the new model of ideological, political education
中文关键词: 思政教育;思政融通;“四维度”实施体系
英文关键词: ideological and political education;integration of ideological, political education into academic training;implementation system of the “four-dimensional” structure
刘燕莉 中国药科大学 研究生院, 南京 211198 
李浩野 中国药科大学 校长办公室, 南京 211198 
陆涛 中国药科大学 校长办公室, 南京 211198 
摘要点击次数: 2164
全文下载次数: 4114
      In order to strengthen moral education and better student cultivation, push forward the improvement and innovation of work style and method for targeted ideological, political education and promote the integration of moral education and professional training for postgraduates, this paper analyzes the limitation of the traditional model of the ideological, political education in the present postgraduate training system and proposes a new model in the framework of the fundamental task of strengthening moral education and better student cultivation, i.e. by building an implementation system for the integration of the ideological, political education in a four-dimension structure including the factors of teaching content, form, team and management mechanism to integrate the ideological, political education and professional teaching interactively and efficiently together. In conclusion, this paper shows an empirical analysis of the "Pharmaceutical Masters' Lectures" that is a practical case of integrated education as a testament to the efficiency of the integrated ideological, political education and as a reference for the innovation of the ideological, political education in the new era for the fulfillment of the fundamental task for strengthening moral education and better student cultivation.
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