What Is the Training Environment Desirable for Doctoral Students: An empirical study based on a doctoral student opinion poll
中文关键词: 博士生教育;奖助体系;导师指导;博士生意见
英文关键词: doctoral education;scholarship and funding system;supervisor's guidance;doctorate student's opinion
许丹东 南京大学 教育研究院, 南京 210093 
刘娣 南京大学 教育研究院, 南京 210093 
朱燕菲 南京大学 教育研究院, 南京 210093 
吕林海 南京大学 教育研究院, 南京 210093 
摘要点击次数: 1780
全文下载次数: 3835
      It is believed that the opinions of doctoral students on the training at universities are important for optimizing training environment. The results of a study based on the survey data of more than 1,200 doctoral students with mixed methods show that, first, the opinions of doctoral students mainly focus on the scholarship and funding system, supervisor's guidance, examination and evaluation system, and academic exchange, specifically, they are dissatisfied with the insufficient support from the scholarship and funding system, absence of supervisors' academic guidance, outdated and singular form of examination and evaluation, and lack of academic exchange opportunities; second, in terms of different disciplines, both the scores of satisfaction with the guidance and the freedom in scientific research to supervisors of doctoral students in science and engineering are comparatively low, with more criticism to the guidance of their supervisors in comparison with that from the doctoral students of other disciplines, while the doctoral students in the humanities are more supportive of the method evaluating only one representative paper, and they put forward more proposals for improving evaluation compared with doctoral students from other disciplines. Based on the findings, the author proposes some countermeasures to improve the training environment for doctoral students.
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