Competition Alienation: Invisible Unfairness in Elite Elimination Mechanism: Analysis of the fairness of the “application-examination” system for doctoral student admission
中文关键词: “申请-考核”制;博士招生;学术精英;阶层流动
英文关键词: “application-examination” system;doctoral student enrollment;academic ethics;class mobility
汪栅 云南大学 职业与继续教育学院, 昆明 650000 
摘要点击次数: 1744
全文下载次数: 4319
      The selection of the academic elite is critical to the national future development. As an important elite selection system, the "application-examination" doctoral enrollment system is critical to a fair and reasonable generation of the social class of the academic elite. Doctoral students are a potential quality educational resource. The characteristics of "high value" and "scarcity" can only give a few people the opportunity to enter this class, which leads to a competition alienation between classes in competing for high-quality resources. The emergence of "application-examination" system expands the admission autonomy of universities and supervisors, and the privatization of decision-making power and the profit chain of "trading power for money" arising thereof can easily destroy the balance between sponsored promotion and competitive promotion. This destructive result is reflected in the interactive play between qualification and capital. "Stakeholders" can use the privileged power specified to build a chain of "educational background discrimination" so that they can maintain the maximum profit through capital replacement for advantage-possessing entities. Based on this factor, the author proposes appropriate indemnifying measures of the "application-examination" doctoral enrollment system, so as to adjust the relationship between the justice of the right and the justice of the value. The author believes that only by taking into account the value of "meritocracy" can we maintain fairness and justice from the mess among the "stakeholders".
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