Research on Supervisor's Cultural Mentality: Based on “Mirror-type” Analytical Framework
中文关键词: "镜式"分析框架;导师文化心理;双重文化纠葛;文化心理调适
英文关键词: “mirror-type” analytical framework;supervisors’ cultural mentality;double cultural entanglement;cultural psychology control
钟勇为 江苏大学 教师教育学院, 江苏 镇江 212013 
夏甜恬 江苏大学 教师教育学院, 江苏 镇江 212013 
周慧 江苏大学 教师教育学院, 江苏 镇江 212013 
全力 江苏大学 校长办公室, 江苏 镇江 212013 
摘要点击次数: 1567
全文下载次数: 3722
      Based on the "mirror-type" research framework with reference to the SCAT analytical method, the authors find that today's postgraduate supervisors, in general, are a contradictive complex of both morality and ethical risk, i.e. they are conscious of their duties to ensure the quality of postgraduate education and self-disciplined, but also show a kind of mentality in the behavior of "take advantages" and "following the trend". This has been apparently seen in their speculative effort input in training practice, the bottle-line they keep for any specific measures and the way their idle away the time in general. It is the continued influence of social culture, the hesitant attitude of supervisors and the disturbance from the present higher education system that leads to a duel culture entanglement in the mind of postgraduate supervisors. The mainstream cultural mental state of postgraduate supervisors can be summarized as a "living only for the present" pragmatic mindset with mixed emotions to idle away the time and bottom-line awareness. This mentality is no good for the quality assurance of postgraduate education. Therefore, the author believes that it is necessary to properly rectify the cultural and mental conditions of supervisors through institutional improvement and psychological control.
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