On Implication Construction and Path Guarantee of the Communicative Symbiosis between Supervisors and Postgraduates
中文关键词: 导师;研究生;交往共生体;生活世界
英文关键词: supervisor;postgraduate;communicative symbiosis;living world
陈亮 陕西师范大学 教育学院, 西安 710062 
栾培中 陕西师范大学 教育学院, 西安 710062 
摘要点击次数: 1604
全文下载次数: 4000
      The key to maintaining a good relationship between supervisors and postgraduates lies in the formation of a cooperative and win-win communicative symbiosis between the two to release justice energy of a postgraduate education system featuring joint construction, co-governance and benefit sharing. Harmonious interaction, mutual acknowledgement, and symbiotic progress are the content orientation of the all-in-one symbiosis between supervisors and postgraduates based on the concept of "ideology, objectives, guidance, and output". The communicative symbiosis is the carrier of the communication between supervisors and postgraduates. The communication behavior between the two is based on the concept of symbiotic development, and the expression and adjustment of the mutual interest is realized in the context of the nourishing and mutual-care symbiosis. The author believes that based on this, to establish an academic communication system and standard for supervisor-postgraduate symbiosis, to perfect an academic and cultural exchange ecological system shared by supervisors and postgraduates, and to mould a habitual practice in the academic communication scenario favored by supervisors and postgraduates should be the inner core of the overall promotion of the construction of a postgraduate education scenario and the guarantee for orderly operation in the symbiosis in which supervisors and students communicate.
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