Return to the Goal of University Education beyond Technical Rationality-Problems of and Introspection on the Evaluation of World First-class Universities
中文关键词: 世界一流大学;评价范式;技术理性;数字陷阱;大学之道
英文关键词: world first-class university;evaluation paradigm;technical rationality;digital trap;goal of university education
曹志峰 南京大学 教育研究院, 南京 210093 
摘要点击次数: 1815
全文下载次数: 3894
      With the emergence of the first ranking of the first-class universities in the world, the system evaluating world first-class universities has developed rapidly and established its status in the quality assurance system in international modern higher education. The evaluation system is based on the objective data that reflect the educational quality level of universities and a set of transcendental mathematical statistics model, which shows an obvious evaluation paradigm of technological rationality. As a result, digital traps appear in evaluation, such as spurious accuracy of evaluation data results, inconsistence of the complementary relations among evaluation data indexes and noticeable differences among evaluation systems. Apparently, ideological bias exists in technical rationality, which has unfortunately reshaped the value system of higher education and changed our understanding of higher education. For this reason, the author suggests that we need to criticize the technical rationality of the paradigm in evaluating world first-class universities, and only in this way can we push forward the change of the paradigm in evaluating universities under the guidance of value rationality and make the universities return to their goals, abide by the principles and reshape the philosophy of their own.
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