Third Party Participation Mechanism in Academic Degree AuthorizationAssessment in the United States: History, Approach, and Implementation
中文关键词: 美国;学位;授权审核;质量保障
英文关键词: the USA;academic degree;degree authorization assessment;quality assurance
何爱芬 北京大学 教育学院, 北京 100871 
赵世奎 北京航空航天大学 人文社会科学学院, 北京 100191 
摘要点击次数: 1503
全文下载次数: 3291
      In the academic degree authorization assessment system in the United States, a third party independent of governments and high-learning institutions takes not only the professional assessment in which it plays a professional quality "benchmark" role, but also the duty and responsibility for the academic degree authorization inspection, the assessment, and the assessment result it issues. Judging from the development of the academic degree authorization assessment system in the United States, the authors find that mature academic degree authorization assessment system is inseparable from government, higher-learning institutions and a third party, particularly the assessment and supervision of the third party. Judging from the participating path of the third party, the authors find that the third party's participation in the assessment has been authorized by law that also establishes the right for it in assessment, authentication and supervision. Judging from the practice and experience of the third party in participation in the assessment, the authors find that it mainly carries out classified grading assessment, the results are presented in a gradient manner and the assessment contents give more concern to the interests of students.
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