Four Aspects in Talent Introduction in “Double First-Class” Construction
中文关键词: “双一流”;高校;人才引进
英文关键词: double first-class;higher-learning institution;talent introduction
刘永林 北京信息科技大学 公共管理与传媒学院, 北京 100192
北京师范大学 教育学部, 北京 100875 
周海涛 北京师范大学 教育学部, 北京 100875 
摘要点击次数: 2892
全文下载次数: 4024
      In "Double First-class" construction, talent introduction is a key measure to maintain the vitality of a university, and facilitate it to achieve its mission and to better shoulder its responsibilities. "Introduction, integration, proper job arrangement and long-time stay" are the four basic chains in the whole process of talent introduction of a university, among which, introduction is the precondition, integration is the foundation, benefit is the basic purpose, and stability is the key. These four are interrelated and interactive. Only by adhering to the principles of integrity, systematicness, correlation and orderness can we reach the dialectical unity between long-term goals and short-term goals, external introduction and internal cultivation, scale merit and quality benefit, and mobility and stability. In addition, only by paying attention to the preciseness of the targeted professionals to be introduced, the harmony between introduced and domestically cultivated talents, the attainment in comparison with the expectation and the duration of the effect, and only by persisting in top-level planning, coordination between selected unit work and overall work, comprehensive measures to be taken at the same time and coordinated implementation, can we realize, in talent introduction, the targets of accurate introduction, close integration, proper job arrangement and long-time stay for the "Double First-class" construction.
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