Status quo of, Problems in, and Way to Improve Doctoral Student Application, Examination and Admission System: Based on the Textual Analysis of the Doctoral Student Enrollment Guides from Six “985” Higher-learning Institutions in 2017
中文关键词: 博士生;招生制度;申请考核制;文本分析
英文关键词: doctoral student;enrollment system;application and examination system;textual analysis
刘阳 复旦大学 高等教育研究所, 上海 200433 
林荣日 复旦大学 高等教育研究所, 上海 200433 
摘要点击次数: 1888
全文下载次数: 4104
      Based on the six "985" higher-learning institutions as research objects, and 159 doctoral student enrollment guides from the six "985" higher-learning institutions in 2017 as research samples, the author establishes such observation indexes as those for application conditions, evaluation mode, evaluation criteria, decision power of supervisor, and supervision mechanism. Through the study, the author finds that in terms of application preconditions, the priority is given to English proficiency and scientific research results, but unfortunately, it is suspicious that university origin discrimination exists; in terms of examination methods, written test is still in use, yet it is still difficult to evaluate a candidate's ability in oral examination or an interview; the stipulations of evaluation criteria and scoring methods are vague, making the evaluation more subjective and arbitrary; the supervisor's personal decision making power in student admission is too big, which brings risk to a selection of justice and fair; the supervision mechanism lacks detailed and comprehensive regulations that may leave room for the abuse of enrollment power. Therefore, the author proposes to abolish the restrictions on university origin and change the rigid conditions into elastic conditions; to combine various assessment methods together and evaluate candidate quality in all directions; to make the evaluation standard index-like and reduce the subjective arbitrariness in evaluation; rationally allocate the decision making power to supervisors and follow the principle of score-based admission; and to improve supervision and safeguard mechanisms, improve other improvement measures such as supporting system and quality-insurance mechanism.
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