Quality Differences of Master Theses among Different Engineering Disciplines——Based on Data from National Sampling on Master Theses, 2014
中文关键词: 工学门类;硕士学位论文质量;学科差异;论文抽检
英文关键词: engineering category;master thesis quality;quality differences among disciplines;paper sampling
高耀 北京大学 教育学院, 北京 100871 
陈洪捷 北京大学 教育学院, 北京 100871 
沈文钦 北京大学 教育学院, 北京 100871 
摘要点击次数: 2056
全文下载次数: 4660
      Based on the outcomes of a sampling on 5,415 engineering master theses nationwide 2014, the author has carried out a quantitative study on the quality of the theses divided into different disciplines. The results show that the overall qualified rate of all the engineering theses sampled is 99.02 percent, 0.78 percentage point higher than that of all the master theses sampled the same year in China, and that the overall mean score of the theses from the first-class disciplines under engineering category is 82.50 points, 1.48 points higher than that of all the theses sampled the same year in China. The score of engineering theses being broken down in items is ranked, from high to low, in the sequence of topic selection, general description, research ability, mastery of basic knowledge, standardability and innovation in paper writing and the paper value. In different first-class disciplines, the score of the theses, disclosed by the secondary indicator dimensions, shows differences. The identified disciplines quality differences under the engineering category of this study may provide a reference for degree-granting institutions, disciplines institutions and supervisors to carry out diagnostic assessments, quality improvement programs and early warning and monitoring jobs.
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