Focus onPersonnel Cultivation and Improve Assessment Work on Academic Degree Authorization Centers from Multiple Aspects——Based on Comparative Analysis of British QAA Subject Review Method and the Authorization Center Qualification Assessment in China
中文关键词: 学位授权点;合格评估;QAA学科评估;人才培养;比较分析
英文关键词: academic degree authorization center;qualification assessment;QAA subject review;personnel cultivation;comparative analysis
李爱彬 中国矿业大学学科建设处, 江苏 徐州 22116 
郑文奇 中国矿业大学文法学院, 江苏 徐州 22116 
摘要点击次数: 2254
全文下载次数: 1945
      The current qualification assessment on academic degree authorization centers in China is an important means to ensure the quality of academic degree and the quality of postgraduate education. This paper compares and analyzes, from the aspects of assessment items, criteria, process and the application of the assessment outcomes, the characteristics of the British QAA subject review method and the qualification assessment in China. The paper also argues that the experience and practice of the QAA method can be used in organizing assessment in China, so as to improve the qualification assessment mechanism for the degree authorization centers. Specific proposals this paper raises include:further focus on assessment content and strengthen personnel cultivation evaluation; independently define evaluation criteria based on the national standard; regard self-evaluation as the dominant factor and take external evaluations into consideration when making a conclusion; spotlight performance of students and attach more importance to their learning experience; and make scientific use of the outcomes for the purpose of cultivating students.
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