The Career Positions of Independently Trained Doctoral Students in Basic Disciplines Ten Years after Graduation——With PhDs in Physics as Examples
中文关键词: 物理学博士;就业;基础学科人才;人才自主培养
英文关键词: doctoral students in physics;employment;talents in basic disciplines;independent cultivation of talents
罗斯纤 河海大学 公共管理学院, 南京 211100 
李峰 华东师范大学 高等教育研究所, 上海 200062 
郭江江 中共浙江省委党校, 杭州 311121 
摘要点击次数: 266
全文下载次数: 379
      Based on the career tracking data of Chinese physics PhDs graduated between 2009 and 2012, this paper analyzes the types of employers and occupations, and the tiers of the cities/regions where physics PhDs work ten years later after graduation. This study finds that the independently trained physics PhDs have a relatively strong commitment to scientific research work, shown by both the proportion of their employment in the academic sector and the proportion of their academic careers over 70.0 percent ten years after graduation. However, the career paths of physics PhDs are diverse, and there is an increasing trend for them to be employed in non-academic jobs and in scientific research work in research institutes and companies. Their employment in universities, research institutes, and enterprises demonstrates stratification characteristics, and the employment trend of "reverse flow" to universities and "seeking stability" in enterprises is evident. Stratification and solidification are also evident in their choice of cities/regions. In general, China has initially established an independent system for cultivating physics research talents, with universities and research institutes as the main training institutions.
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